Oh, no! You have company coming over today and the house is a mess! There’s no time to clean the house to your standards or for the professional cleaning company to come. What do you do??
Don’t panic! Even if you only have 15-minutes before people are knocking on your door, there are a few things you can do to give your home a quick refresher. They’ll be none the wiser!
The Kitchen
Let’s get those dirty dishes done! Quickly load the dishwasher and start it. Give your sink a quick scrub-down so there aren’t any food residue or stains left.
Take a wet rag and wipe down the countertops to remove crumbs and drink rings. Use the same rag to wipe up any spots that you notice on the floor. If you find that the floor is covered in crumbs or pet hair (it happens!) quickly sweep or vacuum.
The Bathroom
Wipe the vanity/counters down and scrub any toothpaste residue away from the sink. Quickly scrub the toilet with a toilet wand and wipe the surface with antibacterial wipes (or spray bleach and use a paper towel). Close the shower curtain so no one sees the tub/shower (that way you don’t have to clean it!), then wipe the mirror and pick up any debris off of the floor.
Don’t worry about all of the windows in your home. Just wipe the door(s) down that they’ll be walking through. You can worry about the rest when you have time!
Sweep or vacuum the high traffic areas and get rid of just the things that you notice with a quick look. If you don’t notice anything on the floor without getting down on your hands and knees, it’s likely that no one else will either!
Finishing Touches
Light a candle or spritz some room spray so your home smells amazing. It will be the first things that your guests notice as soon as they walk in! A home that smells amazing automatically has the appearance of being “clean” – don’t ask why!
A bit of advice…
Don’t stress about your home! Your guests are coming over to visit with you, not inspect your home and write a report on it. You already have enough to worry about. Just relax and enjoy the time with your loved ones!
Carrie can help!
Hiring a professional cleaning service to come by your home on a regular basis will ensure that you are never caught off guard! Give us at Cleaning by Carrie a call today. We will come out to your home for a FREE walk through and price quote!